DIY Foot Soak: Soothe the Feet & Prevent Fungus

A good foot soak won’t just relax your tired feet, but relax the whole body and help you keep the feet healthy. 

Foot soaks are great to treat calluses, rough and dry skin, etc. Healthy and nourished feet are essential for optimal balance and mobility. 

A quality foot soak and a foot scrub will pamper the feet and reduce the stress they’re facing daily. 

Toenail fungus can also be relieved with detox foot baths. 

Try this cleansing foot detox which you can prepare at home and feel relaxed like never before! It will also help you decrease the risk of fungus. 

DIY Detox Foot Soak: What You’ll Need?

Resolve achy, tired, and worn-out feet by soaking them in this scrub in the comfort of your own home. Here’s what you’ll need:

1 ¼ cup of Epsom salt

¼ cup of sea salt

1 ¼ tbsp of baking soda

8 drops of peppermint essential oil

8 drops of sweet orange essential oil

8 drops of tea tree essential oil 

10 drops of olive leaf extract

1 ½ gallons of warm water

A basin for foot soaking


In a container with a lid, mix the salts and baking soda. Close and shake. Add the essential oils and close and shake again. 

Add the olive leaf extract and shake once more. 

How to use:

¼ cup of the mixture in warm water in the basin. Soak the feet into it for 20 minutes. After the soak, rinse the feet and proceed to a foot scrub.
