If you’re down with a cold or the flu, you will appreciate knowing the recipe for this healing tonic. If you feel like coming down with something or notice your voice has become hoarser, get the ingredients and prepare yourself this nourishing “bomb”. Even if you’re not down with a […]
Author: bestfolkmedicine
With This Oil, Your Hair, Eyelashes, and Eyebrows Will Grow Faster than ever
Castor and coconut oils are promoted as helpful and effective folk remedies for people with dry hair. Namely, coconut oil acts as a conditioner whereas castor oil boosts hair growth. Together, they can help speed up hair growth and make it silkier. Keep reading to learn more about how combining […]
These Makeup Brands Are Still Using Cancer-Linked ‘Forever Chemicals’
Beauty products sold by brands like Revolution, Inglot, and Urban Decay sold in the UK were found to still contain the “forever chemicals”. These are pollutants which are known as PFAS. They’ve been associated with major health issues and cancer is on the list. Despite not being illegal in the […]
Science Explains: Here’s What Happens in Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water with Turmeric Every Day
Lemon water has numerous health advantages to offer and helps you add amazing nutrients such as antioxidants and vitamin C. By consuming lemon water, you may also reduce the consumption of sugar-abundant beverages which aren’t good for you. Increasingly popular today, you can get it at almost any restaurant. And, […]
How to Flush Away Gas & Bloating from the Belly Using only These 4 Ingredients
When the belly feels uncomfortable and full, we call it bloating. Bloating is more common than we think and though it’s unpleasant, there are plenty of methods we can use to relieve this uncomfortable problem. In case the bloating is ongoing and doesn’t go away, it’s best to consult your […]
Chemicals from Your Furniture May Affect Your Metabolism
According to research published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, a team of scientists from the Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health created machine learning methods with a specific goal in mind. They claim that these methods identify and characterize chemicals that are disturbing the metabolism. And, they […]
Parasitic Worm Population Skyrocketing in Fish Species Used for Sushi
Sitting for lunch and spotting something unusual in your food is never pleasant. And, this may include sushi consumers spotting worms in their sushi. Yikes, right? The chances of this happening today seem to be high. This is due to an increase in worms from Anisakis species that are infecting […]
Safety Data for Alzheimer’s Drug Aduhelm Shows: 40 % of the Participants in the Study Have Brain Swelling or Bleeding
Experts’ opinions on the new treatment for Alzheimer’s in 18 years are varied. Back in June 2021, the FDA approved aducanumab, the first new treatment for Alzheimer’s after 18 years. The medication is now named Aduhelm and it’s made by Biogen. It’s full of controversy and the information is piling […]
Doctors Say: Major Signs of Lymphoma (Swollen Abdomen Is on the List)
According to estimates, approximately 80,550 individuals will be diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma this year only. Unfortunately, more than 20,000 individuals won’t make it, according to data from the American Cancer Society. This cancer is one of the most common types. Though the statistics are alarming, not all news is bad. […]
5 Top Natural Cures to Relieve Bites, Cuts, Rashes, Blisters, and Burns
It’s good to know that you can quickly alleviate first-degree and second-degree burns (smaller than three inches in diameter) at home using the right remedies. These cures can relieve pain and discomfort by reducing inflammation and speeding up the process of healing. Having burns is always painful and they often […]