Author: bestfolkmedicine

5 Alarming Traits of a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder

5 Alarming Traits of a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder

People with BPD are always feeling unstable. Instability is common in different aspects of their lives, including their mood, thinking, attitude, and even identity.  These individuals feel like they’re on a rollercoaster. This isn’t only because of their instability in their relationships or feelings, but the sense of who they […]

The Link between Tanning Beds & Herpes

The Link between Tanning Beds & Herpes

According to one US expert, tanning beds are the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, including herpes. Namely, dermatologist Dawn Marie Davis notes that bacteria thrive on sunbeds, despite the high temperatures. Davis notes that the bacterium that lives on the skin goes onto the bed which heats up, […]

5 Signs of a Romantic Manipulation

5 Signs of a Romantic Manipulation

It’s not always easy to spot that we’re being emotionally manipulated.  However, recognizing the symptoms of being manipulated in a relationship will be much easier if you could be on the outside and look in. As Leah Carey, a sex and intimacy coach notes, emotional manipulation is making the other […]

Why Strong Women Have More Anxiety & How to Cope

Why Strong Women Have More Anxiety & How to Cope

Anxiety disorders elevate the risk of depression and suicide.  These are some of the most common mental health problems and happen in four out of 100 people. They cost the health care system and the working sector in the US $42 billion yearly.  According to research, women have a twice […]

7 Signs of too much Negative Energy in Your Body

7 Signs of too much Negative Energy in Your Body

You may not be able to experience joy because there’s too much negative energy in your body.  At times, it may seem that everything is okay; however, you’re not able to experience genuine happiness. From the inside, you feel miserable and can’t think of a reason why this is happening. […]

The 7 Types of Rest: Which One Do You Need the Most?

The 7 Types of Rest: Which One Do You Need the Most?

According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s rest theory, we need seven different types of rest in order to feel rested and fully ourselves. This may explain why we keep feeling tired even after sleeping well for weeks and months.  Or, it may indicate why, even when we’re most tired, an afternoon […]