Author: bestfolkmedicine

Mix These Two Ingredients & Destroy Any Cysts & Fibroids

Mix These Two Ingredients & Destroy Any Cysts & Fibroids

The abnormal growths on the ovaries and uterine come in various forms. Though these growths may look alike and produce similar symptoms, they’re not the same.  The differences between the two are essential for patients to understand and how they affect their overall and reproductive health.  Fibroids develop on the […]

Put Aluminum Foil Balls in Your Laundry & Watch What Happens

Put Aluminum Foil Balls in Your Laundry & Watch What Happens

Aluminum laundry balls are the latest trend that claims to simplify the drying of clothes. Unfortunately, despite the innovative dryer machines we have today, the issue of static cling remains.  Electrified clothes are something that can annoy even the most experienced housewives out there.  Regardless of the type of drying […]

Doctor’s Health Warning to Anyone Who Takes Tylenol Regularly

Doctor’s Health Warning to Anyone Who Takes Tylenol Regularly

One of the most popular pain relievers Tylenol is present in more than 600 prescriptions and OTC meds.  Although it’s a relatively safe medication when it’s taken per the dosage instructions, excessive use of this drug has been associated with severe complications, including liver failure.  Tylenol Explained Tylenol or acetaminophen […]

Did You Know This About Peanut Butter?

Did You Know This About Peanut Butter?

Do you like peanut butter crunchy or creamy? Do you prefer it in sandwiches combined with strawberry jam or with grape jelly? Or, are you one of those people who like it on celery sticks or crackers? Regardless of how you decide to eat it, peanut butter is undoubtedly a […]