Healthy Tips

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: A Fatal Condition without Warning

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: A Fatal Condition without Warning

A sudden cardiac arrest is a life-threatening emergency that occurs when the heart ceases to beat. Getting treatment fast is necessary to prevent a fatality.  Surviving a cardiac arrest is possible if there’s adequate medical care and a quick reaction. Unfortunately, this emergency is the major reason for death and […]

How to Make Highly Bioavailable Turmeric Golden Paste

How to Make Highly Bioavailable Turmeric Golden Paste

Turmeric is a golden-orange colored spice that is our favorite when boosting the color, flavor, and nutritional flavor of so many dishes.  It’s a “relative” of ginger and this native Asian plant has been used since ancient times in cooking and alternative medicine. Turmeric paste, also known as golden paste, […]