As noted on Juicing for Health, garlic is a part of the lily family together with leeks, chives, and onions. Throughout the history, it has been used by many different cultures as a means to improve flavor and taste in cooking, but also as a powerful natural remedy which is […]
Plants & Herbs
Here Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Ginger
Nowadays, ginger is more popular than ever before, according to Better Me. You can find almost anything that contains it, from foods and drinks to beauty products. This popularity is a result of its numerous claimed health benefits. Daily consumption of ginger is known to be amazing for the overall […]
The Essential Oil That Treats Anxiety, Lowers Cigarette Cravings & Relieves Arthritis
When Columbus started his voyage westwards as to find the spice islands of Asia, he had one specific spice in mind, i.e. black pepper. Believe it or not, back in the days, black pepper was even used as a currency whereas nowadays, its advantages are overlooked by many. Black pepper […]
How To Remove 80 % of Heavy Metals From The Body In 42 Days With This Plant
Unfortunately, there are all kinds of heavy metals we are being exposed to on the daily without actually being aware. Some of them, including mercury, aluminum, and cadmium have the capacity to penetrate our bones and central nervous system and to accumulate there for years until we actually start experiencing […]
Scientists Reveal An Herb That Fights Off Dementia & Improves Memory by 75 Percent
As noted on Healthiest Alternative, an herb known as rosemary is considered to be among the oldest healing herbs known to man and it has a long list of uses ranging from culinary to medicinal ones. Both its leaves and flowers have been regularly included in DIY remedies for more […]
Sprouts Are a Nutrient Powerhouse. Learn How to Grow an Endless Supply
Introducing sprouts to your daily diet is one of the most affordable and beneficial methods to provide the body with pivotal nutrients that will make the immunity stronger. What’s more, sprouts can be easily grown at home from seeds. You will love them! The Advantages of Eating Sprouts As you […]
How to Grow Your own Organic Food- Pallet Gardening is the Answer
Have you heard about pallet gardening for growing veggies? You need only few simple items for it, i.e. several veggie seeds, a wood pallet, and quality soil. The raised bed pallet garden can be created in various ways and it can be constructed in a day or two without spending […]
6 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics Known to Humankind
Do you remember the last time you took antibiotics? Have you maybe experienced some of the numerous side effects they come with like tiredness and problems with the digestion? If this is the case with you, you should know that you are not alone! Namely, over-the-counter antibiotics are taken with […]
Columnar Fruit Trees: Create Your own City Orchard with these Dwarf Fruit Trees
Surely, having fruit orchards at your own garden is definitely a blessing, especially if we take into consideration how little organic food is grown nowadays. Known as Minarettes and Pillarettes, these are fruit trees which grow in clusters and their trunk is similar to a spire. Their sophisticated look is […]
Aloe Vera to Treat Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis & other Skin Allergies
With certainty, aloe vera is one of the most amazing plants that you can grow at the comfort of your own home because it holds strong healing characteristics and it can be used in a variety of ways to make your health better on a variety of levels, i.e. from […]