When this baby was born, both the doctors and the mother were surprised- this cute newborn had gray hair. Baby Bence was born with a normal weight almost 12 pounds and a normal height of 21 inches. But, his whole hair was bright white. To find out the cause for […]
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Two Rare White Giraffes in Kenya Killed by Poachers
According to conservationists, two very rare white giraffes have been killed by poachers in the north-east of Kenya. Rangers have discovered the dead bodies of the two female giraffes- a mother and her calf- in a village in the county Garissa. A third white giraffe is believed to be alive, […]
The Recycling System in Sweden Is so Successful They Now Import Trash
In the world of recycling, Sweden is definitely one of those countries that’s leading the way and setting an example we should all at least, try and follow. Their government is focused on sustainability so the Nordic country successfully recycles 1.5 billion plastic bottles and cans per year, which is […]
Live Animals Are Being Stuck inside Tiny Plastic Keychain in China & Sold as Jewlery
Unfortunately, the abuse of animals for entertainment continues despite numerous efforts to cease these practices- from placing them in circuses, riding on their backs to other countless ways, as humans, we’re constantly abusing them. A shocking trend in China is a proof of this animal abuse- this has been present […]
How To Grow Lavender At Home To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Every Time You Walk Into The House
For centuries, lavender has been used throughout the world thanks to its specific aroma and versatility. Back in the ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used it as perfume and for cooking and bathing too. Nowadays, science has helped us discover a lot of amazing health properties of lavender and […]
Bees Voted To Be The Most Important Living Beings On Earth
Unfortunately, the decline in bee population in the past decade has been concerning environments and governments worldwide. This doesn’t come as a surprise if we take into account these species’ importance for the human wellbeing and the ecosystems. Many refer to them as the most invaluable species on the planet and […]
Fire Resistant Coconut Husks Can Replace Wood And Save Millions Of Trees
Unfortunately, according to a study published in the Journal Nature, 15.3 billion trees are cut on a yearly basis and 46 percent of the trees in the world have been removed in the past 12,000 years. But, coconut husks may hold the key to ceasing tree cutting. Even though for most manufacturing wood […]
Hospital in Boston Has a Rooftop Garden Supplying more than 7000 Pounds of Organic Produce for Its Patients
The Boston Medical Center is giving more than medical care to its patients- they have a thriving rooftop garden on their rooftop that supplies the patients with 7000 pounds of organic produce every year. In the 2500-square-foot farm, you can find collard greens, bok choy, kale, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, eggplant, […]
Copenhagen Makes Initiative To Plant Communal Fruit Trees On City Streets
As part of a movement to introduce local foods to Danish people’s diets, residents of Copenhagen can pluck fresh raspberries at the city’s edge near the woodlands, all summer long. This city will become the basis of grab-and-go snacks. In a vote, the City Council decided to introduce free and […]
Here Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Ginger
Nowadays, ginger is more popular than ever before, according to Better Me. You can find almost anything that contains it, from foods and drinks to beauty products. This popularity is a result of its numerous claimed health benefits. Daily consumption of ginger is known to be amazing for the overall health […]