Fibroids are harmless/benign growths in the uterus and are also known as uterine fibroids or myomas. These are non-cancerous growths which are not life-threatening; however, they can cause complications and health issues. They form in and around the walls of the uterus and are consisted of muscles and some other […]
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10 Incredible Papaya Leaf Benefits, Uses And Medicinal Properties
You probably know that papaya is a tropical fruit which originates from North America, but did you know about its vast healing potential? Nowadays, this plant is growth throughout the world where there is tropical climate and it can reach up to 30 meters. It has purple flowers and yellow […]
Fight Off Nail Fungus with This Natural 3-Ingredient Recipe
Did you know that your nail fungus can be removed within days with two simple, yet potent natural ingredients? Believe it or not, you just need some apple cider vinegar and baking soda and put a stop to the overgrowth of yeast. Even though fungal infections are not life-threatening, they […]
6 Simple Yoga Poses For Sciatica Pain Relief
Believe it or not, yoga can be the answer to the awful and annoying pain you have been dealing with because of sciatica. Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve or the longest nerve in our body which begins in the base of the spine and goes through the […]
Warning Signs Of Diabetes – Discover The Risks And Signs Of Diabetes
Regardless of the type of diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, it is important to know and recognise the early signs. In this way, you will consult your physician sooner and start addressing the problem as soon as possible. People who are diagnosed with diabetes need to regularly monitor […]
7 Surprising Burdock Root Benefits for the Body, Hair & Skin
Did you know that burdock root is an herb which can cleanse the blood and fight off arthritis in the same time? Burdock root is an herb which is well-known for its antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use it to treat different skin problems and to boost your […]
DIY Dandelion Oil: Learn How to Make It & Use It
Dandelion is part of the Asteraceae family, together with calendula, and it is popular for its digestive, hormonal, and detoxifying advantages. In today’s article, our focus will be on dandelion oil or balm which is made from the flower heads. This is one of the most versatile oils and it […]
The 5 Amazing Benefits of Blackberry: It Fights Off Inflammation & Cancer
Blackberry, similarly to blueberries, contains amazing health benefits and supplies us with at least one third of the daily need for nutrients. Delicious and healthy, this fruit can help you fight off everything from premature skin aging to aggressive types of cancer. What is also great about it is that […]
5 DIY Remedies to Fight Off Bad Breath Naturally
Bad breath or halitosis is an unpleasant odor felt from the mouth and it is a common health problem for 25 to 30 percent of the world population. The causes for unpleasant mouth odor are numerous, including poor dental hygiene, gum disease, dental cavities, inflammation, etc. Malnutrition, uncontrolled diabetes, and […]
10 Excellent Health Benefits of Soursop Juice
If you have not been drinking soursop juice very often, believe us, you should definitely start! This juice is amazing for the health and made from the soursop fruit- a tropical fruit abundant in vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immunity and the overall health. Moreover, it will supply […]