For the 63-year old swimsuit model Yazemeenah Rossi, age is definitely just a number. She looks nothing like most women aged 63 and she is a real example of a healthy and natural beauty. According to Female Fit Body, she has a long and beautiful silver hair. Interestingly, her hair […]
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The Vitamin, Antioxidants & Good Bacteria You Need for Optimal Brain Health
Maintaining a good brain health is pivotal for our overall health and well-being, but little do we know about powerful holistic methods that can help us achieve this. Opposite to what has been thought by now, aging does not always impede the brain function and we are actually capable of […]
A Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These Signs
Do you know if your lifestyle decreases or increases your risk of heart attacks? Some of the major contributing factors to heart attacks are poor diet, obesity, smoking, low physical activity, alcohol abuse, hypertension, and diabetes. Taking into account that around 1.5 million heart attacks and strokes happen on a […]
Vitamin D Protects Against Colds and Flu, Study Confirms
Japanese doctors claim that the risk of flu in children can be lowered by 50 percent if they take vitamin D supplements on a regular basis. Under normal conditions, our bodies can naturally produce vitamin D through our exposure to direct sunlight. Vitamin D can be more powerful than anti-viral […]
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The Science behind Eating according to Your Blood Type & Reduce Risks of Diseases
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Grandparents Who Babysit Live Longer, Study Finds
A study done in 2017 showed that grandparents who babysat their grandchildren lived longer. And, it does not actually matter if they are your own grandkids or not. What plays a role is the ability to provide care for someone. Let’s learn more about these important discoveries! Why Caring for […]
How to Grow Your Own Lemon Tree From Seed
According to 1 Million Women, when life gives you lemons, make trees! So, the next time you are using a lemon to prepare lemonade or to sprinkle it on top of some meal, do not throw away the seeds, but keep them. You can use them to grow your own […]
How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Relieve Anxiety And Headaches
Lavender oil is a potent essential oil which is highly beneficial for our overall health and well-being. Though it is considered to be one of the gentlest essential oils, it is also a very potent one. Therefore, for a long period of time, people have been using it regularly for […]
3-Ingredient Juice To Reduce Inflammation, Improve Vision, And Detoxify Your Body!
According to Healthy Holistic Living, juicing is an easy and effective way to introduce more veggies and fruits to your daily diet. And, you probably already know how important they are for our overall health. When it comes to vegetable juices, they are highly beneficial for your health as they […]