For the 63-year old swimsuit model Yazemeenah Rossi, age is definitely just a number. She looks nothing like most women aged 63 and she is a real example of a healthy and natural beauty. According to Awareness Act, she has a long and beautiful silver hair. Interestingly, her hair started […]
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Study Shows How Smudging Sage Does a Lot More Than “Clear Evil Spirits”
Smudging is a well-known spiritual practice which a lot of people use on a regular basis to eliminate negative energy and evil spirits. Newest information also indicates that smudging has many other benefits to offer, including strong cleansing power (regardless of one’s spiritual beliefs.) Want to learn more about why […]
A Lesson Not to Mess with Senior Citizens!
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Woman Develops Clinical Broken Heart after the Death of Her Dog
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Which Chakra Is Out of Balance & How to Use Herbs to Balance and Align Your Chakras
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What You Need to Know about the Mono Diet
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What Is Neroil Oil and What Is It Used for?
This essential oil originates from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree and it is extracted through distillation. It has a sweet and specific citrus flavor and it is commonly used in aromatherapy and perfumery. The orange tree is known to produce several types of other essential oils, not just […]
What Is Citric Acid?
Citric acid is a natural ingredient which has the power to encourage detoxification and better the digestion, kidney function, and elevate the energy levels. This organic acid is present in fruits, especially citrus ones like oranges, limes, pineapples, etc. Nonetheless, though it was originally isolated from lemon, nowadays, it does […]
What Does Your Pinky Finger Say about You
Did you know that your little finger can reveal so many interesting things about you? This is because it is connected to Mercury- the planet of communication, finances, and travelling. Palmistry, the art of fortune-telling by thorough examination of the palms is a complex practice; this is why in today’s […]
What Are the Health Benefits of Passion Flower?
Passion flower is native to North and South America and a lot of different species of it are grown throughout the world due to their colorful flowers and delicious fruits. But, this plant also has one-of-a-kind healing properties and it has long been used as a sedative, stress reducer, and […]