Tag: age

Anal Cancer: Major Indicating Signs

Early Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Anal Cancer

Unfortunately, in some cases, anal cancer may show no symptoms at all; however, bleeding is a major indicator, but it doesn’t have to be excessive. At first, one may associate the bleeding with hemorrhoids which are benign swollen anal and rectum veins. Anal cancer can manifest through rectal itching and […]

People over 40 Should Work only 3 Days a Week, Experts Say

People over 40 Should Work only 3 Days a Week, Experts Say

According to Truth Theory, in a lot of countries, the earliest age for retirement is 60; however, newest research points out that the adequate age to stop working is two decades earlier! Namely, a recent Australian study indicates that people over the age of 40 perform optimally when they work […]

What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age?

What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age?

As you may already know, and as explained on Healthiack, blood pressure is an essential indicator of our health. One’s blood pressure can be low, normal, or high. Nowadays, unfortunately, hypertension or chronic high blood pressure has become a problem for a large part of the world population. Believe it […]

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms that most People Ignore

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms that most People Ignore

Sadly, we often fail to recognize some important signs that the body is sending in order to show us that there is some internal issue going on, i.e. a nutrient deficiency that may be the main reason behind our health problems. Nowadays, a common nutrient deficiency is low levels of […]