Tag: attractiveness

7 Strong Reasons why Women Are more Attracted to Introverted Men

7 Strong Reasons why Women Are more Attracted to Introverted Men

In an extrovert culture, the natural attractiveness of introvert men is less noticeable. However; introvert charm can become very attractive to those who know what they’re looking for. James Bond is the perfect example of an attractive introvert- pensive, confident, quiet, and mysterious. For a lot of women, this combo […]

Bald Men Are Sexier, More Masculine, A Study Shows

Believe it or not, bald may be the new black when it comes to men who are dominant, sexy, and manly! It appears that the hairless and shiny scalps of bald men are no longer considered unattractive. Namely, according to a new research, the bald-headed look in middle age men […]