Tag: blurry vision

Screens Are Killing Your Eyeballs & Now We Know Why!

Screens Are Killing Your Eyeballs & Now We Know Why!

According to Popular Science, blue light being emitted from phone, tablets, computer screens, etc. has been associated with disrupted circadian rhythm in the body and for a long period of time, doctors and scientists have been focused on researching the connection between this light and eye-related issues, including eye strain, […]

9 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is too High

9 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is too High

When there is something wrong happening in our bodies, in most cases, we will experience specific symptoms which are the body’s way of signalling us of an underlying issue, as noted on David Wolfe. At first, slow healing of wounds, blurry vision, and feeling hungry all the time may not […]

7 Health Warnings Your Eyes May Be Sending

7 Health Warnings Your Eyes May Be Sending

Believe it or not, as noted on Healing Life Is Natural, the eyes can reveal a lot of important information about your overall health. When there are some problems with the vision, there are specific symptoms that are more obvious than others and they can be used as indicators that […]

What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age?

What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age?

As you may already know, and as explained on Healthiack, blood pressure is an essential indicator of our health. One’s blood pressure can be low, normal, or high. Nowadays, unfortunately, hypertension or chronic high blood pressure has become a problem for a large part of the world population. Believe it […]