Tag: family games

Teresa’s Daughter Riddle will Make Your Head Spin

Teresa’s Daughter Riddle will Make Your Head Spin

Brain teasers are a great way to test our mental fitness; however, every now and then, there will be a puzzle that will leave most people scratching their heads. Don’t you just love these puzzles? This is one of those; this riddle may stump you; but don’t worry, we’ll also […]

How FAST Can You Find the Odd Turtle in this Photo?

How FAST Can You Find the Odd Turtle in this Photo?

If you love puzzles and riddles as much as we do, you’ll be flabbergasted to learn that only 15% of Americans are able to solve this one, i.e. find the ‘odd’ turtle in this photo. This is definitely not an easy challenge as it requires a lot of attention to […]