Tag: moisture

This Woman Was Bedridden for 35 Years due to Toxic Black Mold

This Woman Was Bedridden for 35 Years due to Toxic Black Mold

Unfortunately, this woman was constantly sick and in and out of bed for 35 years as a result of toxic black mold. The 37-year-old Dana Anhalt suffered from excessive pain and allergies and was diagnosed with some serious illnesses, but without any suspicion about the underlying reasons. Namely, the York […]

All-Natural & Soothing DIY Coconut Oil & Lavender Scrub

All-Natural & Soothing DIY Coconut Oil & Lavender Scrub

Are you aware of the numerous skin benefits of body scrubs, especially DIY ones? Body scrub is a skin care product whose purpose is to eliminate dead skin cells through the process of exfoliation and to detoxify the skin and boost the blood flow. It is made with abrasive ingredients […]