Tag: oregano

The 5 Most Potent Natural Antibiotics

The 5 Most Potent Natural Antibiotics

Some natural substances possess antibacterial characteristics, but we’re not always certain which ones are safe to use and when.  Over-the-counter antibiotics have helped people heal from otherwise fatal illnesses and other health issues since the 40s. However, a lot of people still turn to nature for treatment, especially to natural […]

Top 10 Natural Antibiotics And Their Health Benefits

As noted on Medical News Today, some natural substances are known to possess antibacterial characteristics, but, do we know which ones are safe for use and when should we should use them? Although conventional antibiotics like penicillin have helped with numerous illnesses and conditions since than 40s, nowadays, people are […]

10 Herbs You can Grow Indoors in Water all Year Long

10 Herbs You Can Grow Indoors In Water All Year Long

According to Live Love Fruit, though winter means end for fresh local produce, especially if live in the Northern hemisphere, you should not be disappointed because there is a way to grow some of these produces at home without any mud and planters. Believe it or not, there are more […]