Oregano Tea May Combat Strep Throat, Flu & Sinus Infections

A lot of you probably already have a bag of oregano in your kitchen cabinet because you love adding it to different meals, right? But, did you know that this amazing spice holds some pretty amazing health benefits too and that you can use it to treat a long list of health problems.

Oregano belongs to the mint family, as noted on David Wolfe, and it is commonly combined in Italian dishes with the goal to enhance the flavor. Its leaves have more than 40 medicinal compounds, a lot of which possess antioxidant properties that keep the cells safe from radical damage.

For centuries, it has been used as a potent natural cure because of its antioxidant power, the presence of phytonutrients, and its capacity to avert free radical damage. So, let us learn more about the amazing health benefits oregano has to offer and then, check out the best and easiest recipe for homemade oregano tea for which you need only two simple ingredients. It will not just help with cold and flu symptoms, but it can also prevent the growth of colon cancer.

What Are the Nutrients Present in Oregano?

  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamins A, C, and E
  • Volatile oils

The Powerful Properties of Oregano

  • Carminative
  • Antifungal
  • Diuretic
  • Antiseptic
  • Anti-cancer

The Best Health Advantages of Oregano

  • Helps fight off inflammation
  • Alleviates cramps and menstrual ache
  • Unclogs the nasal passages
  • Relieves sore throat
  • Increases your appetite
  • Treats urinary problems and constipation
  • Balances the weight
  • Beneficial against flu and cold symptoms
  • Reduces ear and sinus infections
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular health
  • Helps expel intestinal parasites
  • Decreases asthma attacks
  • Treats fatigue and heartburn
  • Useful against back ache and headaches

How to Make Oregano Tea at Home

A tbsp of dry oregano leaves

Two glasses of water

Honey, optional

Preparation: Boil the water and the dry oregano leaves and then strain the content into a cup and add some honey if you want a sweeter taste. Enjoy!

Before you head out, do not forget to check out this amazing video if you want to learn more about the ways in which oregano can improve your health and overall well-being:
