Tag: pumpkin seeds

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

If you’ve been decorating with pumpkins for Halloween, don’t just scoop out and throw away the seeds. In fact, keep them and roast them-they’re so healthy and delicious. They’re packed with some impressive nutrients, despite their small size, and you’ll get some zinc, magnesium, as well as healthy fats from […]

Best 8 Brain Foods: Better Memory, Focus & Mood

Top 8 Brain Foods For Better Memory, Focus And Mood

Of course, physical activity, socialisation, and intellectually-stimulating activities like puzzles or reading are crucial for the health of the brain, the foods we consume also play their role in maintaining our cognitive function. To ensure your brain’s health is optimal, there are specific foods you need to add to your […]

Magnesium Treats Depression Better than Antidepressants

Magnesium Treats Depression Better than Antidepressants

 Believe it or not, nowadays, the number of people who are diagnosed with depression is 350 million, according to Healthy Holistic Living, i.e. 5 percent of the world population. The most common conventional therapy for depression consists of antidepressants; however, even though they can be beneficial, they do contain toxins […]

10 Magnesium-Rich Foods for a Healthier Heart

10 Magnesium-Rich Foods for a Healthier Heart

Often times, people tend to overlook the importance of magnesium over some better-known minerals like potassium and calcium, according to One Green Planet. However, did you know that magnesium plays a pivotal role in maintaining your muscles, bones, and heart health optimal? What’s more, magnesium is one of the crucial […]