Tag: traumatic experience

‘You Are too Sensitive’ Is a Lie: Here’s Why

‘You Are too Sensitive’ Is a Lie: Here’s Why

How many times have you been told by narcissists and their enablers that ‘you’re too sensitive’? If you’ve heard it often and wondering if you’re really the issue, you should think again. This is actually a classic gas lighting technique that works like a charm for these people. If you’re […]

6 Major Ways Childhood Trauma Impacts Us during Adulthood

6 Major Ways Childhood Trauma Impacts Us during Adulthood

When it comes to trauma that has happened during the developmental period, it is more common than we may think. In fact, according to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 78 percent of children reported more than one traumatic situation prior to the age of 5. Adults with this type […]