7 Powerful Foods to Detox the Liver And Reverse Liver Disease

With certainty, the liver is one of the most important organs because it plays a crucial role in a variety of bodily processes. One such process is the purification of the blood and the subsequent elimination of bad bacteria, chemicals, toxins, and partially-digested foods. Without doubt, ingredients like alcohol, coffee, additives, preservatives, dairy, fatty foods, as well as over-the-counter meds and environmental toxins, have an adverse impact on the liver’s functioning. Let’s check out the foods you should include to your diet to improve the health of the liver.

What to Eat for a Healthy Liver

  1. Green veggies

Chlorophyll, often found in green veggies like bitter gourd, cucumber, kale, spinach, parsley, wheatgrass, etc. is able to cleanse, stimulate, and rejuvenate the cells and increase the count of red blood cells. The best option is to eat these veggies raw, lightly blanched, or juiced.

  1. Dandelion roots and leaves

Dandelion is an herb with strong cleansing properties and it is abundant in iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, vitamins A, B, C, and D, manganese, choline, calcium, and boron. Its bitterness is pivotal for the improvement of the digestion, for the cleansing of the liver and gallbladder, and for a better blood flow. You can use it to prepare tea or tinctures or you can consume it in powder, pill, and capsule form.

  1. Garlic

Did you know that this veggie has 33 sulfur compounds, 17 amino acids, 8 minerals, and vitamins A, B1, and C? Also, it produces allicin through a phytochemical reaction which requires the garlic to be smashed or chopped. The sulfur in garlic is known to enhance the enzymes for removal of waste from the body. It will keep the liver safe when regularly consumed.

  1. Turmeric

This root can help you better your digestion and detoxify the liver. The curcumin found in it is known to be of great aid in treating hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice. It can also trigger the production of bile flow and rejuvenate the liver.

  1. Cilantro

This is one of the most amazing herbs for elimination of heavy metals from the liver. Make sure to add it to juices together with some garlic. This is because cilantro possesses anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties and it can also reduce the blood pressure and cholesterol, better the functioning of the liver, regulate the blood sugar and insulin secretion, and alleviate cramps.

  1. Beets

The phytonutrients in beetroot can do wonders for your health. This veggie also provides betanin, folate, iron, and betaine. The fiber which they contain will stimulate the removal of waste from the liver, but it will also make it stronger and decrease inflammation.

  1. Fiber from veggies and fruits

Sufficient amounts of fiber and drinking enough water can encourage the cleansing of the liver so you should add various fruits, salads, and smoothies to your daily diet.