These Berries Can Improve Vision, Reduce Hypertension and Sugar Levels, & Treat Inflammation

Did you know that goji berries have amazing anti-aging characteristics? In traditional Chinese medicine, these sun-dried berries have been used for more than 2000 years for their powerful healing properties. In addition to having an exceptional taste, they are becoming more and more popular as a natural remedy. Let’s learn why!

Goji Berries- Nutritional Value

Like most berries, these berries are rich in beta-carotene which is beneficial for the skin. Since they are abundant in vitamin C, they are highly recommendable for a stronger immunity and alleviation from cold symptoms. Other important nutrients in goji berries are calcium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and germanium, as well as vitamins A, B, C, and E, 18 amino acids, and iron. With only 20 grams of these berries on a daily basis, you will supply your body with the RDA of antioxidants.

The Best Health Advantages of Goji Berries

Balance the levels of sugar in the blood

Avert cholesterol oxidation

Regulate the blood pressure

Avert cardiovascular issues

Maintain the health of the brain

Better the health of the liver and kidney

Protect the eyes

Enhance the fertility

Better the mood

Lower damage by UV radiation

Contribute to a healthy sleep

Consumption Tips

Goji berries can be found in dried form in healthy food stores. You can consume them as a snack, either dried or raw, add them in smoothies, mix them with nuts and other dried fruits, combine them with a cup of warm water, and add it to oatmeal, soups, or salads.

Important to Note:

Since goji berries can trigger allergic reactions in people who are more prone to allergies, try one berry first to know for sure

People who take blood thinner meds like aspirin or warfarin should  avoid berries