You’re Not Fat, You are Bloated. Here Are 9 Reasons And Proven Ways To Fix It

Very often, after finishing a heavier meal, we often experience bloating in the stomach due to the impeded or strenuous movement of the muscles in various parts of the digestive system. In addition to bloating, one may also experience discomfort and pressure in the abdominal area. Bloating may be a consequence of a poor diet, food intolerances, as well as some other medical problem. With this in mind, this article will be focused on presenting 9 potent methods to avert and alleviate bloating successfully!

Tips on How to Relieve Bloating

Eat smaller meals and eat slowly in order to give time to the digestive system to process the foods easier

Take probiotics because they are highly beneficial in treating bloating, as well as other digestive problems

Stay away from ingredients in foods that cause allergies and intolerances, i.e. wheat, fructose, lactose, gluten, and eggs

Reduce the intake of sugary foods because surplus sugar is known to trigger bloating

Limit the consumption of fatty foods which are known to impede the digestion processes

Opt for digestive enzyme supplements that can alleviate the breaking down of specific ingredients in foods

Minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks that have been associated with bloating

Increase your magnesium levels and work out regular to avert constipation that can aggravate bloating

Follow a FODMAP diet, i.e. lower the intake of specific foods that can lead to digestive stress such as watermelon, broccoli, onion, garlic, cabbage, artichokes, pears, wheat, apples, and cauliflower
