Tag: probiotics

5 Easy Ways to Flatten Your Belly

5 Easy Ways to Flatten Your Belly

Getting rid of that unpleasant fat around your middle section can be a real challenge.  The surplus fat in the midsection isn’t just a risk for several illnesses, but it may also diminish your confidence and cause bloating. But, there are some helpful strategies that encourage the loss of this […]

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

Nowadays, we hear so much about probiotics and that they’re good for us, but do we know why? Probiotics are actually live microorganisms which can be acquired through certain foods or supplements. A rising number of studies indicate that the bacterial imbalance in our digestive system is associated with our […]

Why Is Black Mold Dangerous & 5 Useful Natural Cures

Black mold is silently harming your health- it thrives in humid and moist areas and it’s therefore common in basements, cabinets, and crawl spaces. Kitchens and bathrooms are also ideal places for it since there’s regular use of water and low ventilation. Mold growth also leads to a gram negative […]

The 5 Best All-Natural Treatments for Cancer

The 5 Best All-Natural Treatments for Cancer

Unfortunately, the conventional therapies offered for the treatment of cancer like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are not always a guarantee that the cancer will be completely cured or that it will not come back. This being said, a lot of cancer patients decide to try natural treatments which a lot […]

5 Kombucha Benefits & How to Prepare this Gut-Friendly Drink

5 Kombucha Benefits & How to Prepare this Gut-Friendly Drink

Referred by the Chinese as the Immortal Health Elixir, kombucha is a 2000-year-old drink with astonishing health advantages for the heart, gut, and brain. Since it is a fermented beverage, kombucha is rich in healthy bacteria we know as probiotics. These good bacteria enter in the digestive tract and boost […]