Use this Ancient anti-Inflammatory Recipe & Boost Your Gut Health

Have you heard about kimchi? Do you consume it on a regular basis? This delicious, probiotic-rich food has long been a staple in Korean cuisine. The original recipe is made with cabbage, red peppers, scallions, garlic, onions, and salt.

Without doubt, following a diet rich in probiotics, present in fermented foods like kimchi, is key to a healthy gut and a healthy gut is the basis of our overall health. Before we go on to show you the recipe in detail, let us learn a bit more about kimchi.

Why Is Kimchi Good for You?

According to numerous studies, kimchi is abundant in medicinal properties and does not only heal the gut, but it also averts nutrient deficiency and obesity, betters the protein digestion, alleviates constipation, strengthens the immunity, and prevents tooth decay.

What’s more, it will cleanse your kidneys, liver, and small intestine and also lower your risk of cancer. Its nutritional profile is indeed amazing. Check it out below:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Niacin
  • Folate
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Magnesium
  • Choline
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Sodium
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Selenium
  • Omega-3s
  • Protein
  • Fiber

DIY Kimchi Recipe

*kimchi goes great with meat, salads

*kimchi can be consumed on its own or as a side dish

You will need the following ingredients:

  • A medium-sized green cabbage, shredded
  • A bunch of green onions, sliced
  • A tbsp of ginger root, grated
  • 3 garlic cloves, mashed
  • A cup of carrots, shredded
  • ¼ cup of kefir water
  • ½ tsp of red chili pepper powder
  • ½ tbsp of sea salt

Preparation: In a bigger bowl, put all of the ingredients and cover the bowl. Wait for 30 minutes before you use a potato masher to mix the ingredients well. Make the content juicy and then transfer it to a jar.

In the jar, press the ingredients in order for the liquid to come up. Make sure you leave an inch of space between the liquid and the lid. Close the jar well and leave it aside for 3 to 7 days. Store it in the fridge.

Afterwards, the kimchi is ready for consumption. Once you open up the jar, store it in the fridge. Enjoy!
