How to Make an All-Natural Healing Salve You Will never Want to Be Without

For a lot of people, this all-purpose healing salve is a staple in their medicine cabinets. As explained on One Good Thing by Jilliee, this mixture is consisted of olive oil, coconut oil, essential oils, and a bit of vitamin E and it has the power to keep your health optimal, disinfect the whole body, and moisturize it completely. Without doubt, you will never get enough of it!

Below, check out the recipe and learn about how to use it.

DIY All-Purpose Salve

You will need:

4 oz. glass jam jars

1 quart Mason jar

A saucepan

A cup of cold-pressed coconut oil

A cup of olive oil

4 tbsp of beeswax pastilles

A tsp of vitamin E oil

10 drops of lavender essential oil

8 drops of lemon essential oil

6 drops of melaleuca essential oil

How to Make It:

Put the coconut oil, beeswax, and olive oil into the 1 quart Mason jar. Then, fill half of the saucepan with warm water and bring it to low heat and put the jar in it. Stir the content in the jar with a skewer every few minutes until it melts and the ingredients unite. While stirring, bring the four 4 oz. glass jam jars and in each of them, put the essential oils and vitamin E oil in the amounts previously mentioned. Now, fill each of the jars with the melted mixture to half-inch below the rim. Wait for the jars to cool down and the salve to harden. While waiting for this to happen, cover the jars with a paper towel to prevent dust and bugs from entering the salve. Once the salve hardens, close the jars and store them properly. Its shelf life is around a year.

Great Uses of the Healing Salve

  • Great for softening cracked and dry heels and crusty elbows
  • Moisturizes extremely dry skin
  • Excellent moisturizer for dryer climates
  • Softens chapped lips
  • Alleviates minor insect bites, burns, and bee stings
  • Reduces discomfort from diaper rash
  • On-the-go eczema breakout treatment
  • Can be used to address scaly scalp
  • Moisturizes and sanitizes the hands
  • You can use it to treat sunburned noses, gashes, and heat spots, as well as post-surgical wounds of your pets

To learn more about this amazing healing salve, make sure you watch the video shown below:
