Being Raised Near Your Grandparents Is A Real Gift

Did you know that humans are the only species (with the exception of some whale species) that have their grandparents involved in their lives?

According to Healthy Holistic Living, it appears that having grandparents in your life, as research discovered, is not just beneficial for the child’s life, but for the grandparents as well.

Even though in-laws may often cause additional drama in the family and additional problems along the way, including your parents in your child’s life and helping them create their own unique relationship is one of the best gifts to give to your children.

Let us learn why this is so!

The Advantages of Being Raised Near Grandparents

If you want your children to become happy adults, raise them alongside your parents because research indicates that the emotional connection they establish with their grandparents will lower the chance for depression in adulthood.

Moreover, you can significantly better your child’s emotional intelligence which is a trait they learn by closely watching others (in this case, your parents). High level of emotional intelligence will increase the child’s chance for success in adulthood and a successful career.

In addition to the amazing benefits that children experience when they grow surrounded by their closest family members, the grandparents will also benefit, i.e. it helps them live longer. As noted on Healthy Holistic Living, research found that those parents who babysited their grandchildren lived longer than their peers who did not have any grandchild-related responsibilities. It was concluded that the grandparents who spent time with their grandchildren had a 37 percent lower chance of mortality than the other grandparents.

The researchers believe that this elevation in life expectancy may be associated with the enhanced mental activity happening in grandparents who take care for their grandchildren and the sense of purpose in life which they experience when their grandchildren need them.

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule a get-together with your parents and take your children with you. Let them work on strengthening their bond and improving their lives mutually.
