The Natural Pregnancy Diet: What to Eat & What to Avoid for a Healthy Baby

Pregnancy is definitely an exciting period for parents, especially for mothers. Normally, mommies want to do everything right so that they give birth to a healthy baby.

In order to achieve this, as noted on Extension, it is pivotal for them to lead the right diet and be physically active in the right way. Their diet needs to be rich in foods that will allow a healthy weight gain, an easy delivery, and a quick return to their pre-pregnancy weight after birth. It is important to note that not being able to gain the right weight elevates the risk of giving birth to a baby with low weight (below 5 ½ pounds).

This puts the newborn at a higher risk of heart illness, blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes in adulthood. But, excessive weight gain is also not recommendable- this will make the delivery process more difficult, increase the need for C-section, and bleeding after delivery.

To make sure you follow a healthy diet that will be good for both you and the baby, in today’s article, we will present a list with the foods that you should eat more and foods you should eat less that we discovered on Conscious Lifestyle Mag.

Limit or Avoid these Foods in Pregnancy

  • Dairy

Dairy will burden the liver, avert toxins from going out of the body, and increase the allergic reactions. Opt for plant-based alternatives of milk and cheese or drink yogurt only.

  • Processed sugar

Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners are not good for anyone, not just for pregnant women. Sugar can cause addiction, unwanted weight gain, and put you at a higher risk of diabetes. Sugar is also highly addictive and it has no nutritive value. When craving some sweetness, opt for fruits and some veggies like sweet potatoes. You can also benefit from dark chocolate, unrefined sugar, and raw honey and still satisfy your cravings for sweet food.

  • Caffeine

If you cannot completely avoid it, at least reduce its consumption to a minimum. Avoid the store-bought premade coffee mixes and coffees abundant in milk and cream. Drink a small serving of organic black coffee only, from time to time.

  • Grains and foods with high GI

Foods with a high glycemic index are known to encourage inflammation, stress, headaches, fluid retention, and sleeplessness. Minimize or completely exclude the consumption of gluten found in barley, rye, and wheat, as well as in refined carbs. They could worsen your digestion. If you still want to include grains in your pregnancy diet, opt for healthier variants like buckwheat, millet, quinoa, and brown rice.

  • Legumes

Foods like beans and legumes need to be consumed moderately during pregnancy. This is because they are not very easy for digestion. When you prepare them, remember to soak them prior to cooking. And, limit their intake to a cup per day.

  • Corn and soy

These products can cause allergies and are GMOs. Their chronic consumption can encourage the development of chronic diseases.

  • Canola oil

This oil is bad for the immunity and it will destroy the body’s lining. Go with healthier versions like coconut oil or butter.

Boost Your Pregnancy Diet with these Foods

  • Good fats and protein

Foods abundant in omega-3s like avocados, salmon, and coconut oil are highly beneficial for pregnant women. Also, nuts and seeds will elevate the healthy fats and proteins in the body. To ease their digestion, soak them prior to consumption. When it comes to protein, remember that there are a lot of plant-based options to choose from; you need not elevate excessively the consumption of meat.

  • Veggies and fruits

Pregnant women are advised to consume more kale, collards, and mustard greens. Ensure your diet is 60 to 70 percent consisted of fruits and veggies. A diet based on plants and high in nutrients and low on calories has the power to turn on more than 500 genes which contribute to a good health. They also turn off more than 200 genes that encourage cancer.

  • Eggs

If you are not allergic to eggs, make sure you eat them regularly. Opt for eggs from trusted sellers and eggs that are organic, free-range, and pasture-raised. They are abundant in vitamins A and E and omega-3s. Also, they will boost your protein levels and will not have a negative impact on your cholesterol levels, as it was thought in the past.

  • Meat

Opt for free-range or grass-fed meat and do not exaggerate with its consumption. Avoid processed meats and meat products.

  • Fish

Go with leaner fish and wild-caught fish only. Similarly to meat, limit the consumption.

Before you head out, if you want to learn more beneficial tips about a healthy pregnancy, check out this article.
