How Sugar Consumption CAUSES Cancer, Research Shows

The connection between sugar and cancer was discovered 50 years ago; however, the work was never published. Why is this so?

Nonetheless, recent studies have also linked high intake of added sugar with serious health problems such as diabetes, heart illness, and mental health problems.

The Link between Sugar & Cancer

According to one study from 2016, half of the lab mice fed with a diet rich in sucrose developed breast cancer.

But, an article from PLOS Biology journal cited documents by the Sugar Research Foundation pointing out that the knowledge of this link dates back to the 60s.

But, why was this unknown until now?

Sugar & Gut Bacteria- The Project 259

In the 60s, there was a lot of debate about heart illness and what was causing it, i.e. sugar or fat. According to a review article from 1967, fats were the culprits.

However, what wasn’t known at that time is that the authors were given $50,000 in today’s money from the SRF equivalent to publish their review.

The review showed that the mice that were given a high-sucrose diet experienced higher levels of cholesterol than those that were on a starch diet. The authors thought that the gut bacteria were to blame.

This “gave birth” to Project 259- a study to compare the impact of bacteria in the intestinal tract in mice given sucrose vs. mice given starch.

According to the senior author Stanton A. Glantz, the urine from the mice on a basic diet had higher beta-glucuronidase activity than those given sucrose.

However, what does this distinction have to do with cancer?

Beta-Glucuronidase & Cancer

This enzyme helps dissolve big molecules and also has a role in cancer. In the time of the Project 259, there was already an implied connection between bladder cancer and this enzyme.

But, as Pover was behind his schedule, he asked for an extension; however the SRF, which had become the International Sugar Research Foundation, stopped the funding. The preliminary results would have been against the commercial interests of the sugar industry.

According to the Sugar Association, the study was delayed and over budget and this is why it was stopped. Whether the ISRF kept the results hidden on purpose remains difficult to say.

But, the data supporting the connection between cancer and sugar is piling up, that’s for sure.

Sugar & Cancer Nowadays

Nowadays, sugar and sugar-rich foods and beverages are considered a contributing factor to cancer. Fructose, an element of white sugar, is known to change the metabolism of cells and increase the cancer-causing proteins.

There are also studies showing a higher chance of endometrial cancer in women following a high-sucrose diet; however, the information is less clear in terms of other cancer types.

Other studies have been connecting sugar with colon cancer, but how exactly sugar causes cancers that are common today is not entirely clear. But, giving up sugar isn’t that easy, especially these days, when it’s practically all around us and knowing it’s addictive.

Even though it seems normal that foods and drinks with a sweet taste should contain sugar, it isn’t normal for other foods to contain hidden sugar. Juices, pre-made foods, canned goods, etc. are all full of hidden sugar.

This being said, to maintain good health, it’s pivotal to follow a healthy and balanced diet and as organic as possible.
