Amazing Idea: Small Mosque in Indonesia Made Entirely from Discarded Plastic Crates

Thanks to Parisauli Arsitek Studio, the discarded plastic crates in Tangerang, Indonesia are repurposed for something amazing.

Namely, the collected crates have been collected and used to build a 440-square foot Space of Kindness that’s currently being used as a small mosque.

The plastic red crates are commonly used in this area; however, once they’re no longer needed, they end up in landfills or on the side of roads.

This is why the Arsitek studio decided to do something about this- they stacked them one-on-top-of-the-other and reinforced them with steel beams to make this beautiful creation.

Small Mosque Made from Discarded Plastic Crates

These crates are the ideal roof for this small mosque which allows congregants to pray five times per day as it keeps them safe from bad weather.

The studio, speaking about this project, said that it emphasizes the diversity of our needs, habits, and attitudes.

The existence of the space of kindness is adaptable to the location, needs, and context of the community users.

A space of kindness may be a stall, a prayer room, an emergency post, a shelter, a bus stop, etc. explains the studio further.

The design team said that their inspiration was the desire to make vibrant public spaces while using plastic that would be otherwise polluting the environment.

Project Kotakrat Pavilion

This structure is a modular one which can take different shapes and sizes in order to suit different functions and needs of communities.

Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims in the world so having a covered area during prayer time is warmly welcomed.

The studio further explained that repurposing waste into public use spaces is a practice which all of the communities worldwide should adopt.

The project’s goal is to show that kindness begins with a simple mind and how we can all come together and share good energy.

Diversity shouldn’t be something that divides us-but something that allows us to combine our positive energy and nourish kindness through a beautiful and unique architectural form.

Below, check out some images to see how this mosque looks like:
