How to Grow Lemons at Home & Never Buy Them Again (Video)

Boys and girls, when life gives you lemons, make trees, right?

Next time you’re done using a lemon and you’re about to throw it in the bin, don’t forget to save up few of the seeds-you can grow your own tree with them!

Lemon trees are aesthetically pleasing thanks to their dark green leaves and snow white blooms.

Plus, they release a refreshing and lovely scent. And, with a lemon tree, you’ll no longer have to buy this amazing fruit at the store- you’ll have your own without too much complications.

Growing Lemon Trees Isn’t Hard

Growing your own lemon tree from seeds is pretty straightforward- anyone who has a warm and sunny windowsill can do it.

However, take into account that it requires several years before it begins to flower and bear fruits.

But, believe us, eventually, all your hard effort and dedication will pay off.

Citrus fruits can grow in different parts of the world, except in areas with severe frost.

Why You Should Grow Your Lemon Tree?

  • It produces beautiful dark green leaves and yellow and orange fruits
  • It has beautiful scented white flowers
  • The fruit can hold on the tree in excellent condition for a lot of months after ripening- it’s great in terms of self-storage
  • They’re rich in vitamin C and other important nutrients and it’s great for the winter months when you need to strengthen your immunity and fight off colds and the flu

How to Grow Your Lemon Tree?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • One organic lemon to get germinating seeds
  • A fertile potting soil and compost
  • A seedling pot, 24 inches wide by 12 inches deep
  • A pot for planting- 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep
  • A sunny, indoor location

What to Do?

First, moisten the soil for potting- it needs to be damp, but not soaking in water. Then, fill the smaller pot with soil, up to an inch below the top.

Now, cut open the lemon and take out a seed. Remove its pulp. Plant the seed right away into the soil in the smaller pot, around half an inch deep.

Use water from a spray bottle to spray the soil above the seed. Then, cover the pot using a plastic wrap and close the edges with a rubber band.

Poke small holes on top of the pot using a pencil and then place it in a sunny and warm area.

Spray more water from time to time- the soil shouldn’t be left dry. Don’t pour too much.

In two weeks time, the sprouting will begin. This is when you should take out the plastic cover and continue keeping the soil damp- it needs 8 hours of light on a daily basis.

Feed it with compost moderately. Check it out regularly for pests and diseases. Cut off the brown and dead leaves if any.

When the plant becomes too small for its current pot, put it in the larger one.

The replanting is similar to the first planting.

Happy planting!
