These 2 French Women Created a Vegan Egg with Yolk & Shell

These two amazing women from France have found the code for the ideal vegan egg with a shell and all that comes with a real egg.

Back in 2017, Philippine Souleres and Sheryline Thavisouk came up with the Les Merveilloueufs for a class project.

They were biology students at the Paris’ Ecole de Biologie Industrielle.

Thavisouk explained that they had realized that the thing that was missing in the lives of vegans was the egg-a food present in almost every meal, from breakfast to dinner, in sweet or savory dishes.

So, they decided to make a vegan egg. One that looks and feels like regular eggs.

They succeeded in their plan and their creation is a plant-based egg which is a combination of two French words, i.e. merveileux and oeufs that means marvelous and eggs.

But, making a plant-based egg that looks, cooks, and tastes similarly to one from hens was quite challenging, say the biologists.

The Creation of the Vegan Egg with the Shell & Yolk

The pair explained that while they were working on the egg, the most complex part was ensuring that it will match up to the real thing when it’s cooked. 

Namely, the eggs from hens are used in multiple ways and they’re indeed not easy to replicate.

Still, their ‘hatching’ was successful-they created the ideal plant-based egg.

It took them 3 years and around 50 versions to get to the plant-based egg recipe which is today.

Even though there are numerous plant-based eggs on the market, this one is unique from all others because it has a yolk and a shell that’s very similar to the eggs from hens.

Will Vegans finally Enjoy a Plant-Based Egg that Looks & Tastes like the Real Eggs?

We’ve seen plant-based eggs in liquid form, folded egg patties, powders, etc. but this is first of its kind.

The exact recipe is currently under wraps; however, the pair note that it’s based on vegetables. They also launched a Crowdfunding campaign and have partnered with an incubator program to ensure their product reaches the markets.

These innovators are a proof that we can all become entrepreneurs and that there’s no fixed mould to it. Soon enough, maybe vegans will be able to pick up these promising vegan eggs from the market shelves.
