Dog Gave His Owner the ‘Cold Shoulder’ after It Got an Unexpected Haircut

Animal lovers, please meet Roxy. She’s one sweet and bouncy doggo with an insatiable desire for life. And, true to her character, she has a curly coat that adds to her happy spirit.

According to her owner, Eris Bake, she’s very sassy and funny. And, the funny moments with this sweet doggo seems to be an ongoing thing.

Namely, recently, after a trip to the groomer’s, Roxy’s sassy character could be easily seen. Since she has curly coat, going to the groomer’s is a must; otherwise, she’s all tangled up.

And, when Baker takes her to the groomer, she usually gets the hair on the body cut back while the ear and head hair are left untouched.

This is a good look for the sweet Roxy; however, Baker discovered that there’s one problem about it.

Change in Haircut Shows Roxy’s Sassy Behavior

Baker explains that she experienced problems with the hair of Roxy getting matted around the ears. So, the last time she took her to the groomer’s, she asked from them to trim the ears too.

Roxy had no idea about what happened when Baker picked her up from the groomer. When she placed her in the car, Baker says she probably caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and seemed upset.

And, it’s then when she gave her owner the cold shoulder. Roxy started filming the hilarious situation on her phone. And, the sweet doggo didn’t have to ‘ask’ Baker to say how the haircut looks.

Baker laughed her head off when she saw her-she says she reminded her of an alpaca. But, after a couple of icy minutes, sweet Roxy started accepting her new look.

She is slowly accepting her quirkiness now and seems to not care about the change anymore.

Sure, haircuts aren’t forever, so she’ll long have her previous hair back. Still, we’re not sure if the next time at the groomer’s will be back to basics as Baker plans requesting this new look again.

She says how it ‘fits her perfectly’ and it’s ‘like her trademark’.

What do you think about Roxy’s new hairstyle?
