Research Finds a Link between Deep Forehead Wrinkles & Heart Illness

Research points out that the deep wrinkles on one’s forehead may be a sign of person’s risk of atherosclerosis-a type of cardiovascular condition which can lead to stroke or heart illness.

Atherosclerosis is characterized by buildup of plaque in the arteries which diminishes their elasticity and makes them narrower.

Consequently, this reduces the supply of blood rich in oxygen to the major organs in our body and elevates our risk of diseases.

Some of the major risk factors for atherosclerosis are high cholesterol, resistance to insulin, smoking, hypertension, age, low physical activity, and a genetic predisposition.

And, recent research added another risk factor that’s very easy to spot, i.e. deep wrinkles on the forehead.

Research Linked Deep Forehead Wrinkles with Atherosclerosis

According to the research done in 2018 and presented at the annual European Society of Cardiology conference in Munich, Germany, they decided to explore the wrinkles on the forehead as they’re simple and visible.

The author of the study, Yolande Esquirol, associate professor at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse in France says that this was their motivation because we can’t feel or see the other risk factors such as high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol.

For the purposes of the study, together with her team, Esquirol examined wrinkles of the forehead in 3200 adults aged 32 to 62. They assessed the wrinkles on a score from 0 or no wrinkles to a score of 3 or deep wrinkles.

The study lasted for 2 decades.

And, during this period, 233 adults died of several conditions. The research showed a proportional connection between the wrinkle score and the risk of death from cardiovascular problem.

Although a score of 1 only slightly elevated the risk of dying due to cardiovascular problem, those with a 2 or a 3 score had 10 times higher likelihood of dying from cardiovascular problem than those with a 0 score.

What Is the Reason for the Link between Forehead Wrinkles & Atherosclerosis?

Despite the fact that the research was done for observational purposes, the researchers think that the link between wrinkles and risk of cardiovascular death may be atherosclerosis.

They say it’s based on the fact that both wrinkles and atherosclerosis are prone to oxidative stress and collagen protein changes.

What’s more, the blood vessels in the forehead are fine so it could be that they’re more sensitive to plaque build-up, also a sign of atherosclerosis.

And, the authors point out that the wrinkles on one’s forehead may be an easier and less costlier method of determining if a person has the condition than blood pressure measurements and lipid tests.

Esquirol noted that this is the first time a link between these two has been established; so, further studies to confirm the link are needed.
