Saw Palmetto Offers Benefits for the Prostate & Hair Loss

Nowadays, saw palmetto supplements are popular among men with prostate cancer and BPH because of their health benefits. Some of them include promoting urine flow, relaxation, better sexual drive as well as healing colds, coughs, and sore throat.

It’s also used by people as a natural cure for chronic bronchitis, pelvic ache, and asthma. Saw palmetto extract is taken from the saw palmetto fan palm. It grows as a shrub or a tree with lush and green leaves which spread out from the thorny stem.

In warm climates, it can grow up to 10 feet with leaf clusters two feet in height or more. It’s native to the West Indies and the US, from South Carolina to Florida.

Below, check out the best health advantages of saw palmetto!

Health Benefits of Saw Palmetto

  • Helps with BPH

An enlarged prostate can cause symptoms like BPH and problems with the lower urinary tract. The prostate glands become enlarged and inflamed as men age.

The prostate begins to pressure the urethra and causes issues with urination and increases the risk of bladder stones and infections. According to research, palmetto inhibits testosterone from stimulating prostate cells, resulting in reduced prostatic cells and prostatic enlargement.

In one study from 2012 done in Switzerland, the 82 patients who took a capsule of 320 mg of saw palmetto daily had a reduction in their symptoms. The treatment was tolerated and accepted by the patients well.

  • Decreases the risk of prostate cancer

Saw palmetto supplements are one of the top ways to relieve prostate cancer symptoms naturally. These supplements decrease the conversion of testosterone to DHT by blocking the enzyme and preventing the formation.

DHT causes a prostate enlargement that may also lead to prostate cancer.

Moreover, this supplement doesn’t just impede DHT and relieve BPH symptoms like urine leaking and inability to urinate, but it also balances the testosterone, strengthens the libido, and works as a natural cure for impotence.

  • May be of aid with hair loss

The extract of saw palmetto may help with hair loss due to the maintenance of the testosterone levels balanced.

With the aging of men, testosterone drops, and DHT increases.

Hair loss happens due to the sensitivity of the hair follicles to DHT- male androgen hormones that cause shrinkage of follicles and shorten their lifespan and consequently, the hair production reduces.

Saw palmetto can reduce the conversion of testosterone into DHT and benefit hair growth.

  • Normalizes the testosterone levels

Since saw palmetto prevents the conversion of testosterone into DHT, the body can maintain a normal testosterone level.

As a result, one can lose weight in a healthy way, improve the pain response, reduce hair loss, and boost the sex drive.

Where Can You Find Saw Palmetto?

Dried saw palmetto berries can be purchased in some healthy food and supplement stores. They’re also available in capsule, tablet, tincture, tea, or extract form.

The general daily dosage is between 160 and 320 mg and depends on the health condition. It’s best to consult your health care provider for this info!
