Author: bestfolkmedicine

Does really Losing a Pet Hurt more than Losing a Fellow Human?

Losing a Pet Can Hurt more than Losing a Fellow Human

Without doubt, the worst fear of pet owners is losing a pet. Unfortunately, when this happens, pet owners face huge pain and emptiness. Grieving for our pets is not easy and there is no unique ‘how-to-do-it’ because every person has a different relationship with their pets. Dogs and cats live […]

‘Sea of Plastic’ Found in the Caribbean Is Choking Wildlife

‘Sea of Plastic’ Found in the Caribbean Is Choking Wildlife

A photographer caught the disastrous damage being inflicted to our oceans from piles of plastic and Styrofoam near a Caribbean island. This sea of plastic proves the realness of the problem with plastic pollution, experts indicate. Caroline Power, who specializes in underwater photography, dedicated her career to increase awareness about […]