In November last year, the 19-year-old Rhys Langford was told that his cancer came back and that this time, it has spread. He was given only months left to live. This is when he decided to donate his life savings to one six-year-old boy whom he never met. The 19-year-old […]
Author: bestfolkmedicine
Meet Winnie Harlow: Inspiring Supermodel with Vitiligo. “I’ve Been Fighting Beauty Stereotypes since Childhood”
Vitiligo happens to one in a hundred people. This disorder is characterized by white skin patches on various body parts. Believed to be an autoimmune disease, vitiligo happens when the immunity begins destroying melanocytes, pigment-producing skin cells. Vitiligo diagnosis comes with plenty of implications. The treatment is usually combined. It […]
The Importance of Maternal Grandmas Is Crucial for Children. This Is Why
Becoming a grandparent is a special kind of joy and this can only be felt when you become one. Grandparenting is indeed enjoyable. Grandparents soak up every second with their grandchildren and are doing their best to help out. Being a grandparent is all about joy and less about the […]
Getting Children Ready for School Is Like Working an Extra Day
Parents apparently work the equivalent of an extra day every week due to the numerous morning chores, which include getting children ready for school, a new study concluded. The study, done with the help of interviews of 2000 working parents, points out that parents do an average of 43 tasks […]
Grandad Left with a Bill Worth Thousands as Influencers Keep Standing Outside His Home
This grandad is facing a huge bill for repairs due to a bunch of influencers taking selfies in front of his pink doorstep that eventually caused damage to parts of his home. The 77-year-old Peter Lee who lives in London constantly has models and influencers coming to his pink doorstep, […]
Graduate with Down Syndrome Makes History at Olympia College
During his life, Dylan Kuehl has been often told that he shouldn’t do something or that he can’t do something. But, he believes that no one has the right to tell him this. And, he actually proved all these people wrong. He recently graduated from Evergreen State College. The 38-year-old […]
Alleviate the Symptoms of Endometriosis with these Powerful Home Remedies
Endometriosis is a disorder that affects female reproductive organs. The cells resemble the lining of the uterus or endometrial cells that grow outside the uterus. The endometrium-like tissue grows in the pelvis, the ovaries, and the fallopian tubes. In some serious cases, it may spread behind the reproductive system. Pelvic […]
Add These Six Foods to Your Diet & Watch Your Prostate Health Improve Significantly
Our diet influences our health, including that of men’s prostate. When men consume prostate-friendly foods in their diet, they may lower the chances of prostate complications like prostate cancer. The American Cancer Society notes that this type of cancer is the most common among men. It happens to one in […]
Weightlifting Mom of Eight Reveals She Got Pregnant Every Year for the Last 12 Years
This mom of eight revealed on social media that she was pregnant every year for 12 years. The 38-year-old Kora Duke from Las Vegas was pregnant in 2000 for the first time, when she had 16 years. She has given birth to nine kids, eight of whom survived. Their quick […]
Heal from Ulcerative Colitis with the Most Praised Home Remedies
Ulcerative colitis is one of the two types of IBD or inflammatory bowel disease. The symptoms take place in the large intestine and may be serious enough to make even the simplest of daily activities become hard. Ulcerative colitis is the most common IBD in the world. Despite natural remedies […]