The shift in human consciousness is happening now and it is a part of the evolution of global human consciousness, i.e. the consciousness of all human beings that live on planet Earth. Being mindful about our thoughts enables us to shape our reality in various ways. This is a sign […]
Author: bestfolkmedicine
The Essential Oils That Can Help You Fix Your Hormones
As many of you may already know, herbs have strogn medicinal abilities and are considered to be a natural cure for restoration of the hormonal balance in the body. Some of these herbs are thyme, myrtle, lavender, sandalwood, holy basi, and clary sage. The hormonal balance is regulated by the […]
How and Why You Should Try a Sugar Detox
Being a sugar addict is definitely not a good thing because refined sugar is known to lead to the creation of addictive patterns in the brain and negatively influence on the whole body. Sadly, the average American citizen eats between 22 and 30 tsp of sugar per day. To put […]
Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems
Without doubt, consuming lemon water on the daily has numerous advantages for the overall health and well-being and this has become one of the most common morning habits of numerous people throughout the world. It is abundant in pivotal nutrients like vitamins B and C, as well as potassium and […]
3 Acupressure Points That Lower High Blood Pressure In 5 Minutes
Believe it or not, if you suffer from hypertension, you should know that over-the-counter meds are not the only solution to this issue. In fact, there is an all-natural method to achieve this and we decided to present it in today’s article. It is so simple and easy and you […]
Castor Oil: A Magic Potion for the Hair and Skin
For a long period of time, castor oil has been regularly used for different medicinal purposes. This is because it possesses so many benefits. The oil is thick and concentrated and even a drop of it will suffice. With this in mind, in today’s article, we decided to share the […]
Can Lemon Water Detox Your Body?
Drinking sufficient amounts of water on a daily basis is pivotal because our body is 60 percent water and it is also necessary for many bodily processes. According to studies, people who consume more water have higher levels of energy and their focus is better. One report by the Fred […]
5 Shocking Facts about Pesticides
Nowadays, even organic foods are affected by the excessive presence of pesticides. Pesticides are detrimental for our foods, our bodies, and our surroundings. Let’s check out some of the less known truths regarding pesticides. 5 Shocking Facts about Pesticides The EPA turns a blind eye Organophosphate is a pesticide which […]
5 Benefits of Colon Cleansing
With certainty, we live in a toxic age and this can sometimes have a detrimental effect on our overall health and well-being. A toxic colon is unable to perform optimally and this can impede a lot of other bodily process and increase the risk of health problems. This is why […]
4 Most Usual Types of Headaches, What They Mean And The Best Natural Remedies
Sadly, a lot of people suffer from common headaches frequently. Some have them when they do not get enough sleep, others when they do not properly hydrate the body, but they can also happen due to numerous other contributing factors. According to statistics, the National Headache Foundation stated that more […]