People who don’t like rare steak often say that they don’t like it because of the bloodiness. However, it recently turned out that the red liquid isn’t blood at all. The presence of the red liquid in rare steak isn’t blood. All of the blood is removed from the meat […]
Author: bestfolkmedicine
Korean Study: Overcooking with Air Fryers Creates Toxic Substances
When you deep fry food, you probably need around 5 cups of cooking oil which is over a liter. However, if you’re using an air fryer, two tablespoons are usually sufficient. In addition to helping lower the presence of oil in foods, air fryers are also reducing the amount of […]
Unlocking the GMO Mystery: Making Conscious Choices for a Healthier Life
In the mid-90s, the world witnessed a revolutionary experiment, i.e., genetically modified foods or GMOs. Recently, Bayer acquired Monsanto and has invested in the American GMO industry. Although this technological advancement has led to major profits for scientists and the synthetic pesticide industry, it has left the ordinary man wondering […]
Highly Intelligent People & Messy Houses: Unraveling the Genius in Clutter
What makes a person a genius?-We all have an image in our heads of what a genius would look like and which are the characteristics of smart and successful people. That image is usually of a focused and creative person beyond the average. They may also have a photographic memory, […]
Smart Meters EMF Radiation Causes Strange & Unknown Health Issues
The exposure to smart meters’ EMF radiation has reportedly caused lots of unusual and unknown health issues. A lot of the diseases caused by EMF radiation have no name. People who’re reporting them complain that they’re losing interest in life and losing their zest, joy, and enthusiasm. They also say […]
Why Is Processed Meat Bad for You & How It Increases Your Risk of Cancer
Most types of processed meat today are considered unhealthy. They have been associated with a higher risk of health issues like cancer and heart disease. Processed meat is said to be harmful to the overall health due to the presence of chemicals. Processed meat is a type of meat preserved […]
Are Wireless Earphones Harming Your Health?-Learn The Truth about AirPods & Radiation
Bluetooth radiation is real, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be worried about your wireless earbuds. Technology is evolving, particularly in the area of hands-free and wireless devices such as headphones. These developments carry lots of concerns as well. One of them is whether Bluetooth wireless headphones are […]
Parasites Could Be the Reason Why You’re Sick: How to Do a Parasite Cleanse
Parasites are organisms which live in or on an organism of another species. There are three classes of parasites that can cause illness in humans. These are ectoparasites, helminths, and protozoa. Protozoa and helminths usually affect the gut whereas the ectoparasites like mites and lice attach to or burrow into […]
Healthy Alternative Salts to Regular Table Salt: Naturally Extracted
Salt is present in almost every home and every restaurant in the world. And, for many people, food wouldn’t be as tasty if it weren’t for those several sprinkles of salt that make all the difference. Salt was so beneficial that Roman soldiers used to receive payment in salt instead […]
Anti-Foaming Chemicals in Chick-fil-A Sandwiches: A Closer Look at the Health Risks
What is it about Chick-fil-A’s classic chicken sandwiches that makes them so tasty and almost addicting?- Some may argue that it’s because of their crispy coating while others may claim it has to be their yummy sauces. However, the truth is that all of these sandwiches contain one ingredient inside […]