Author: bestfolkmedicine

How to Make Healthy Mayonnaise

How to Make Healthy Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a tasty and versatile condiment that almost every household has in their fridge.  However, the store-bought variants aren’t always the healthiest option, especially after you learn how damaging the vegetable oils inside it can be.  With this in mind, it’s good to know that there are plenty of […]

Drink Clove Water for a Whole Month & These 5 Things Will Happen

Drink Clove Water for a Whole Month & These 5 Things Will Happen

When you’re restocking your spice rack, you’re probably making sure the basics like garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and turmeric are covered. Of course, salt and pepper are also on the to-buy list. However, there’s another thing that this list is missing and it’s cloves! They’re abundant in nutrients and can […]