Acupressure, according to Healthy Holistic Living, has long been a part of traditional Chinese medicine, i.e. for more than thousands of years. This is an alternative healing method which is comprised of applying pressure with the fingers onto designated acupressure areas with the goal to relax and alleviate health problems. […]
Healthy Tips
22 Problems Caused by Magnesium Deficiency And The Warning Signs
As you may already know, magnesium is an important mineral because it is used by almost every organ in our body, especially by the heart, kidneys, and muscles. However, when its levels in the body are not sufficient, one may experience symptoms like tiredness, abnormal heart rhythm, eye twitches, and […]
14 Amazing Reasons To Start Eating Avocado Every Day
Avocado lovers, unite, this article is definitely for you! Did you know that the oldest evidence for the consumption of avocado dates back to approximately 10,000 years BC? This fruit originates from Central America and Mexico and it is in the same family with cinnamon and camphor. This large berry […]
Top 9 Warning Signs Of Fibromyalgia You Should Know
Have you heard about fibromyalgia? This is a condition characterized by an ongoing pain, tiredness, and sensitivity to touch. In order to get the needed help, you need to be able to recognize the condition by knowing the major symptoms. Unfortunately, there are still no medical tests that can confirm […]
A Thyroid Juice Anyone With Inflammation or Hormone Imbalance Should Drink Once a Week
The thyroid gland is in charge of transporting numerous hormones throughout our bodies. Some of its responsibilities include the regulation of fat and carb metabolism and body temperature, brain development, respiration, cholesterol and calcium levels, menstrual cycles, skin quality, and the nervous system and heart. Taking into consideration the importance of […]
Leave A Glass of Salt Water And Vinegar To Detect Negative Energy In Your Home
Regardless of whether it comes from dark rooms or the presence of specific people, no one likes being surrounded by negative energy and feeling bad, right? But, after you learn about this potent, yet simple method to get rid of negative vibrations around you, you will never be afraid or […]
4 Plants that Will Protect You from Mosquitoes for Good
Who does not love summer, right? But, spending an evening outdoors during summer or hanging out in your yard for a get-together with friends and family can become a real “nightmare” because of those annoying mosquitoes that seem to be all over you! And, what’s more, they constantly bite you […]
8 Pressure Points to Get Rid of Annoying Ache all over the Body
According to Healthy Holistic Living, regular exercise is an excellent alternative method for treatment and relief due to the fact that it encourages the release of endorphins which further blocks pain and is connected with feelings of pleasure and happiness. Furthermore, it is also crucial to follow a healthy diet […]
6 Japanese Rules for those Who Want to Become Stronger & Healthier
For this Japanese engineer and aikido teacher, giving up was never an option and his resilience was the main reason for some of his thought-changing discoveries that are used even today all with the goal to help us lead healthier lives. Let us therefore learn more about the discoveries of […]
The Disgusting Reasons Why You Should Never Wear Shoes At Home
For a lot of American citizens, it is pretty common to wear your shoes at home. However, scientists believe that this is a dangerous habit due to the bad bacteria they carry. Namely, our shoes are magnets for E.coli sources like bird droppings, public bathroom floors, dog waste, etc. What’s […]