One thing is for sure- here at Best Folk Medicine, we enjoy eating and trying out international foods. And, meals from the whole world can be found in a lot of Americanized restaurants while a lot of foods have been co-opted by supermarket brands of processed food to the extent […]
Healthy Tips
7 Easy & Potent Ways to Unclog the Arteries Naturally
If you want to live a long and healthy life, experts advise consuming specific healthy foods that may help prevent the leading cause for death nowadays, i.e. atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis or the narrowing and clogging up of the arteries is a major trigger of cardiovascular mortality and a number 1 reason […]
Aloe Vera: Best Health Benefits & How to Grow it at Home
Without doubt, aloe vera is one of the plants with the most amazing healing characteristics. Used for thousands of years through different continents, this plant does not stop surprising us. The translucent gel in it which is slightly bitter is 96 percent water, has 18 amino acids, and vitamins A, […]
7 Foods You Absolutely Need To Avoid If You Suffer From A Thyroid Disorder
Did you know that experts believe that around 30 percent of women will develop thyroid disorder in their lifetime? And, chances are, you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, right? This autoimmune disorder impedes the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Some contributing factors […]
Eat these 20 Foods to Alkalize Your Body & Eliminate Acid Deposits
Have you ever wondered why processed sugars and grains make you feel sluggish after eating them? The answer may be hidden in their pH value. Namely, these items are considered to be acidic unlike veggies and fruits which are mostly alkaline. Unfortunately, the more acidic foods we eat, the higher […]
Dry Skin Brushing: Detoxifies the Skin & Lowers Cellulite- Learn How to Do It Properly
Detoxification is an excellent way to help your body remove toxins easier. Nowadays, we have a lot of different detox methods, from detox drinks to enema solutions. Also, there is a popular method for toxin removal that is focused on the skin, i.e. dry brushing. It is a beneficial way […]
7 Dangerous Ways You Are Causing Slow & Sure Brain Cell Death
Without doubt, Alzheimer’s is one of the most terrifying mental diseases today and if you have someone in your surrounding with this illness, you know how sad it can be. You are seeing your loved one starting to behave differently, feeling sadder and crying often. This and other degenerative diseases, […]
Salt, Lemon & Pepper Alleviate these 8 Health Problems better than Meds
Though you may have only used pepper, salt, and lemon as a tasty salad dressing, after reading this article, you will learn that they also make an excellent natural remedy. For a long period of time, people have been using them regularly to relieve numerous health issues, from sore throat […]
How To Remove Dangerous Mold And Unpleasant Odors From Your Washing Machine With 2 Ingredients
Though washing machines are appliances we use to keep our clothes clean, they also require regular cleaning. This is particularly important in preventing or removing mold which may develop in the washing machine and make your clothes smell foul despite being washed. The same mold you see on bathroom and […]
Big Pharma Stands to Lose $18.5 Billion if the 50 States Legalize Medical Cannabis
A study done by New Frontier Data in 2017 on medical cannabis researched the economic influence on the pharmaceutical industries if cannabis were to become legal on a national level. The data shows that big pharma could fall an estimated $18.5 billion between 2016 and 2019. So, many think that […]