Want to bring your warm-lemon-water-in-the-morning ritual to the next level?! You can easily achieve this with the help of two powerful ingredients, i.e. turmeric and ginger! This homemade elixir with these three potent ingredients is abundant in beneficial antioxidants that will cleanse the blood and liver and enhance the digestive […]
Plants & Herbs
Turmeric Golden Milk Popsicles To Help Boost The Immune System
Turmeric is one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatory ingredients and it’s believed to help strengthen the immunity. When it comes to turmeric, one of the most popular recipes with it is without doubt turmeric golden milk. This milk looks and tastes good; but, it can be a bit too […]
Add Cloves in Lemons & Limes to Keep Bees, Mosquitoes, Wasps & Flies Away
If you ever looked at the label of a store-bought insect repellent, you’ve probably read a lot of ingredients that you’re not sure how to pronounce or some you’ve never saw before. And, even though this is the case, most people continue using these products and spray them on their […]
Ginger Sweet Potato Coconut Milk Stew with Lentils & Kale
With the cold finally coming to an end and warmer days are already happening, you can bring them a bit faster in your home by cooking this amazing warming soup-it’s good for your health and good for your soul. This bright orange stew from sweet potatoes and coconut milk infused […]
This Succulent Has See-Through Leaves & They Look like Shiny Gems
If you’re a newbie in plants and gardening, succulents can be the best choice for you. They’re low maintenance desert plants which look amazing and thrive easily. You can find them in numerous shapes and sizes and you can easily grow a collection. Some succulents may actually look unreal- one […]
DIY Weed-Be-Gone Spray- A Better Alternative that Works Compared to Harsh Chemicals
Spring is always a busy season for gardeners- it’s time to rake matted leaves, to remove the winter protection wraps, check out plants for damage, fertilize the plants and trees, prune flowering shrubs, and last but not least, get rid of those stubborn weeds. When the seeds for produce or […]
People Are Growing Magical Bean Pole Garden Tents for their Kids
For a lot of people, it’s a classic reminder of childhood, for others, a completely new experience. With summer right around the corner, there’s no better time than now to make your own bean tent! This is an excellent DIY project you can do in the comfort of your own […]
Mermaid Tail Succulents Bring the Ocean Vibes right into Your Home
Plant lovers will love to hear this- there mermaid tail succulents- the name says it all-they look very similar to the tail of mermaids. Whether you like your house to be ocean-inspired or if you’re just looking for some touch of magic and fantasy, this plant will surely bring those […]
God-sent Herb : Antibiotic, Antioxidant, Cleans The Bloodstream, Destroys Cholesterol
Nowadays,knowing the numerous side effects of over-the-counter meds, people often choose to go with a more natural approach. This includes different herbs, spices,fruits, veggies, foods, etc. When it comes to natural remedies, in today’s article,we will talk about basil- a powerful healing herb used since ancient times. Basil is an […]
How To Grow Lavender At Home To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Every Time You Walk Into The House
For centuries, lavender has been used throughout the world thanks to its specific aroma and versatility. Back in the ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used it as perfume and for cooking and bathing too. Nowadays, science has helped us discover a lot of amazing health properties of lavender and […]