Plants & Herbs

The Spice That Prevents Fluoride From Destroying Your Brain

The neurotoxicity of fluoride has been the major subject of academic debates for decades and nowadays, it spikes controversy among the general public too. With the increase of claims that fluoride is bad for us, there’ve been numerous attempts to remove this dangerous toxin from drinking water. According to one […]

Could Ginger Be the Answer to Ovarian & Prostate Cancer?

Could Ginger Be the Answer to Ovarian & Prostate Cancer?

According to research done by the University of Michigan and funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the NIH, ginger may be a beneficial tool in the fight against ovarian cancer. Ginger has a long history of medicinal use that dates back to the ancient days. […]

The 8 Best Healing Herbs According to the Bible

The 8 Best Healing Herbs According to the Bible

For thousands of years, people have been using healing herbs for their medicinal and culinary advantages. This being said, in today’s article, we’re going to talk about some  of the most powerful herbs according to the Bible and what their uses were and what their uses are today. According to […]

Bees: The most Invaluable Species?

Bees Voted To Be The Most Important Living Beings On Earth

Unfortunately, the decline in bee population in the past decade has been concerning environments and governments worldwide. This doesn’t come as a surprise if we take into account these species’ importance for the human wellbeing and the ecosystems. Many refer to them as the most invaluable species on the planet […]