Plants & Herbs

Seaweed Seems to Be the Key to Our Sustainable Future

Seaweed Seems to Be the Key to Our Sustainable Future

The use of seaweed both for food and as medicine is old as time itself, especially among people who live in coastal cities. Asian cuisines in countries like China, Korea, and Japan have a long and rich history of seaweed use.  Though its medicinal and culinary uses are well-established, the […]

10 Best Houseplants for Your Kitchen to Thrive

10 Best Houseplants for Your Kitchen to Thrive

Adding colorful house plants is an amazing way to bring more style and freshness to your home, and in every part of it, including the kitchen. We spent a lot of time there, prepping meals and eating, so why not make it as lovelier as possible! Plants don’t just decorate […]

10 Perfect Reasons to Grow Marigolds in Your Veggie Garden

10 Perfect Reasons to Grow Marigolds in Your Veggie Garden

French marigolds are amazing in planters, ornamental beds, or hanging baskets, but they also look amazing in veggie gardens. They’re in fact one of the best flowers to plant near your veggie garden. These marigolds aren’t Calendula or the African marigold. These are French marigolds and can do a lot […]

This Is How Coconut Oil Supports Your Thyroid Health

This Is How Coconut Oil Supports Your Thyroid Health

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that plays a pivotal role in the management of the metabolic processes in the body. Some of them are hormonal function, thermoregulation, and weight management. People with thyroid issues often look for some natural ways to relieve the symptoms. One of the most popular […]

Fatty Liver Cleanse: Reset Your Metabolism & Boost Your Weight Loss

Fatty Liver Cleanse: Reset Your Metabolism & Boost Your Weight Loss

Believe it or not, the liver plays pivotal functions in the body (more than 500!), including fighting against infections, producing hormones and proteins, neutralizing toxins, etc. Moreover, the liver is the only organ in the body capable of self-regeneration after injury. However, when a person isn’t eating healthy and consuming […]