One American who survived WW2 and the Spanish Flu is believed to be the oldest survivor of the virus after he recovered miraculously. Bill Lapschies, a 104-year-old veteran displayed symptoms linked with the condition on the 5th of March and was placed in isolation at the Edward C. Allworth Veterans’ […]
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90-Year-Old Woman from Belgium Dies from Corona after She Refuses a Ventilator
An elderly woman in Belgium reportedly died after she refused a ventilator in the hospital where she was treated for the coronavirus and said ‘give it someone younger’. The 90-year-old Suzanne Hoylaerts who lived in Binkom, near Lubbeek, reportedly said to the doctors that she doesn’t want artificial respiration and […]
Eat Half a Teaspoon of Turmeric Every Day And These 7 Things Will Happen To Your Body
Turmeric may be one of the most helpful nutritional supplements today. A lot of studies have proven its numerous advantages for the body and brain. Turmeric is known as the ‘queen of all spices’, turmeric has been a part of natural medicine for more than 4000 years. It’s believed to […]
New York Hospitals Giving Large Doses of Vitamin C to Coronavirus Patients
According to Northwell Health spokesperson, large doses of vitamin C, among other meds, are being given to patients in the ICU at some hospitals in New York who have the coronavirus. The vitamin is given intravenously in quantities far over the RDA which is 90 mg for men and 75 […]
No Matter How Hard Life Gets, Do Not Forget to Remember How Grateful You Are for What You Have
A higher force designed our lives and this higher force wants us to remember how much we’re loved by simply being alive, breathing. However, often times, being alive is a gift that many people forget it’s the most valuable thing we have. Usually, we experience this because of the numerous […]
Italian Engineers Turn Snorkeling Masks Into Life-Saving Ventilators
After news about an Italian innovation firm Isinnova saving lives by 3D printing ventilator valves for its local hospital, the CEOs, Cristian Fracassi and Alessandro Romaioli, got calls from all over the world. A lot of 3D printing firms wanted to join and offer their help and some countries wanted […]
The Recycling System in Sweden Is so Successful They Now Import Trash
In the world of recycling, Sweden is definitely one of those countries that’s leading the way and setting an example we should all at least, try and follow. Their government is focused on sustainability so the Nordic country successfully recycles 1.5 billion plastic bottles and cans per year, which is […]
Woman Gives Birth To Twins From Different Dads After Cheating On Husband
Reportedly, last year, a Chinese woman gave birth to twin boys that were later found out to have different fathers. The results from the DNA led the mother to admit that she cheated on her husband during a one-night stand, claims the Chinese newspaper. The husband apparently felt odd because […]
Stunning Transformation: 73-Year-Old Lady Loses 55lbs & Becomes a Fitness Instructor
Indeed, it’s not every day we get to see a woman in her 70s showing us how to do a dead lift. Joan MacDonald, 73-year-old fitness instructor, said that she knows that a lot of people her age would shy away from exercising like she does. But, three years ago, […]
10 Important Skills for Survival that Our Great-Grandparents Knew & most of Us Have Forgotten or Don’t Know
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