Rhea Bullos is an 11-year-old track athlete living in the Philippines who won three gold medals after running practically barefoot. She had ‘sneakers’ made from bandages featuring the Nike swoosh which the young girl draw by hand. After competing in a local running competition, the girl’s story went viral. She […]
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5-Year-Old Boy Calls entire Kindergarten Class on His Adoption Hearing
A 5-year-old boy from Michigan showed up at the courthouse in Grand Rapids for his adoption hearing with his foster parents, but also with a crowd of ‘unusual’ supporters. Namely, all of his kindergarten peers were in the audience behind him and were waving big red hearts placed on wooden […]
Reebok Launches Running Shoes Made from Algae & Eucalyptus Tree
Reebok has announced the launch of a plant-based performance shoe named the Forever Floatride GROW and this is one of the biggest innovations in sustainable footwear. After the brand’s vegan Cotton + Corn collection that was launched this summer, this new shoe will replace traditional materials used in running shoe […]
21-Year-Old Mother almost Dies from Stroke Weeks after Birth Due to the Placenta slowly Poisoning Her
A young mother claims that she almost died from a stroke only weeks after giving birth because of an infection she caught in pregnancy. The young woman, Katie Shirley, 21, from Manchester, claims her placenta poisoned her after it was infected with bad bacteria. These bacteria went into her blood […]
Let Go of these 7 Things before We Step into the New Year Cycle
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Don’t Lounge too much during Christmas: It Could Worsen Your Health & Reduce Lung & Heart Efficiency
According to scientists, two weeks of lounging around when it’s Christmas season may cause a permanent damage to your health. According to the researchers, this inactivity is sufficient for our muscles and bones to weaken and our heart and lungs to reduce in efficiency. The scientists followed the health of […]
Delivery Guy Gets Overexcited after He Sees the Snacks a Homeowner Left for Him
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Alleviate Belly Cramps & Improve Digestion with these Amazing Foods
If you’re dealing with bloating, gas or a fussy belly, try adding some of these five beneficial foods in your diet to help calm things down. Whether it’s some food that doesn’t sit well with us, anxiety, overeating or stomach virus, most people will struggle with an icky belly at […]
Death Toll may Increase after White Island Volcano in New Zealand Erupts
After the White Island volcano eruption, 25 people are fighting for their lives. 6 have been confirmed dead whereas 8 are missing. However, there’s fear that the volcano could erupt again in 24 hours. The island visitors and their tour guides were on the popular island and touring New Zealand’s […]
Almost 700,000 People Will Lose Food Stamps with the Changes in Requirements
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