A dog that was filmed being dragged along the ground by its owner after allegedly being shot because she gave birth to puppies has died. Horrified passersby took the video of the Spanish hunter abusing the animal. The dog was rescued, but severely injured and was treated in the animal […]
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5500 Died in the last Three Years from Waiting on Hospital Trolleys
Unfortunately, thousands of patients in the UK are dying because of delays and insufficient beds in overcrowded hospitals, claims a new research. The research, conducted by a group of NHS doctors concluded that almost 5,500 deaths in the past three years were a result of the person spending too much […]
Our Oceans Are Losing Oxygen at a Dangerous Rate due to Temperature Increase, Finds a Study
Our oceans are struggling to breathe and running out of oxygen at a fast rate and climate change is speeding up the problem, claims a new study. According to the latest report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature created by 67 scientists from 17 countries, the oxygen levels […]
Tiger Cub Rejected By Mother Finds A Best Friend In Little Puppy
Have you ever thought that a tiger and a dog can become best friends?! Indeed, when we see this amazing friendship between this cute tiger cub and a puppy, we can confirm that friendship is limitless and knows nothing about religion, ethnicity, race or age. Even though our differences can […]
Germany’s New Law Makes Measles Vaccination Compulsory
Germany’s parliament has passed a law which will make measles vaccination for schoolchildren mandatory. This measure was passed with a major majority and according to the new law, all children who’re in school or at a nursery, need to be vaccinated. According to the new law, parents who can’t prove […]
Death Becomes more Sustainable with the Launch of the First Human Composting Centre
One of the most enigmatic and profound questions in life is definitely ‘what happens to us when we die?’ Even though we don’t have any insights on afterlife, we do have news about what can be done with our body after we die. The after-death centre Recompose offers a new […]
After 12 Years in a Coma, this Man Wakes Up and Says He Was Aware of Everything
In the late 80s, a 12-year-old boy fell into a coma and remained in this vegetative state for 12 years. Today, this boy is a 43-year-old man, Martin Pistorius, and he is no longer in a coma and is living a normal life. Even though he’s wheelchair-bound and uses a […]
8-Year-Old Killed Himself after His School Covered Up His Bullying, Claims Family Lawsuit
When Cornelia Reynolds found her 8-year-old boy, Gabriel Taye, laying on the floor after coming from school on January, 26th, 2017, she began CPR and called 911. However, her attempts and that of the paramedics to revive the boy were unsuccessful because he no longer had a pulse. As they […]
Amazing People: This Vegan Café Gives Free Christmas Dinner to those in Need; but, They Need YOUR Help
The staff at a recently-opened vegan restaurant called Viridian in Bangor will be offering free food for the homeless people and the less well-off families on Christmas day. They will step away from their usual menu on this day and instead prepare a traditional festive feast with all the trimmings […]
We can Do everything If We Want to: These Cities Transform Food Waste into Fuel
Today, 8 US states have laws about food recycling, 6 have food waste bans, and even more cities and states have enacted legislation for recycling. This comes as a result of THE public demand to reduce their landfills and carbon footprint. Moreover, at least half a dozen cities in America […]