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Strong Women Are Raised by Strong Mothers

Strong Women Are Raised by Strong Mothers

People who’re born in families where they have the freedom to do what they want, but still have the most important values instilled in them, grow up to be strong people with a strong sense of moral. This is especially true for women who’ve been raised by fierce mother warriors. […]

Female Dragonflies Fake Death To Avoid Males Ready To Mate

Female Dragonflies Fake Death To Avoid Males Ready To Mate

Most of you who’re reading this have probably done some weird stuff yourselves to avoid someone, right? But, female dragonflies are definitely taking things to the next level- they literally fake death when they want to avoid intimacy with male partners. However, this is only seen in one specific species […]

5 Effective Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

5 Effective Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension, you may worry that meds will affect you negatively. But, it’s crucial to note that if you manage your blood pressure through a healthy lifestyle, your chances of avoiding, delaying or lowering the need for meds increase. When not treated, […]

7 Useful & Simple Tips to Stop Snoring Tonight

7 Useful & Simple Tips to Stop Snoring Tonight

Even though you love your partner, you probably have been frustrated too many times if he/she is keeping you up all night because they snore. If you’re a snorer yourself, you probably want to know if this problem can ever go away. Even if you’re not a snorer, you should […]