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10 Common Diseases Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency

10 Common Diseases Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency

As emphasized on Everyday Health, the advantages of vitamin D include healthier bones and better health. But, what happens when we start lacking this vitamin? Before we find out, let us learn more information about vitamin D and its role in our health. The Importance of Vitamin D The major […]

You Must Remove these Foods to Fight Off Inflammation

According to newest research, inflammation is the main reason for a long list of health problems. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to repairing injured tissue. However, when the process lasts longer than it should, it can easily turn into a chronic issue. Chronic inflammation can be triggered when we […]

Here Is How To Grow New Brain Cells Regardless Of Age

According to newest findings, it appears that it is possible to grow new neurons in adulthood and avert age-related decline, boost our mood, and better the memory capacity. Researchers have found that no matter our age, we can all grow new brain cells. Previously, it was thought that cells cannot […]