Garlic is a close relative to leeks, chives, and onions and it has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes for ages. This vegetable is often used to boost the flavour of meals and make them healthier and tastier. However, these benefits are only available from organically-grown garlic, not the […]
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How to Make Peppermint Oil to Stop Eating Junk Food & Burn Extra Calories
As most of you may already know, refined sugar is one of the most addictive substances in the world and according to studies; it has same effects on the brain as dangerous drugs like heroin. Even though it can be challenging, giving up refined sugar is pivotal for a good […]
How to Make Bone Broth to Treat Allergies & Digestive Disorders
Coughing is a response of the body when the throat or airway is irritated by something. It may occur as a symptom of common colds, allergies, lung illnesses, as well as gastrointestinal issues. During the process of coughing, the body removes mucus from the upper airways and the lungs and […]
How to Make a Tea Which Fights Off Cellulite
Cellulite is a condition characterized by a dimpled and lumpy skin and it is most common for the thighs and buttocks area, but it can also develop in other body parts. In most cases, it is a consequence of fat deposits pushing through the connective tissue underneath the skin. According […]
How to Grow Your own Organic Food- Pallet Gardening is the Answer
Have you heard about pallet gardening for growing veggies? You need only few simple items for it, i.e. several veggie seeds, a wood pallet, and quality soil. The raised bed pallet garden can be created in various ways and it can be constructed in a day or two without spending […]
How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically in an Effective Way
Although vertical gardening may sound like an odd concept to some, there are beneficial methods that can help you achieve it and grow some pretty amazing foods. What’s more, a lot of gardeners prefer this gardening option due to the space-saving characteristics and the easier harvesting process. This type of […]
How to Drink Bitter Gourd Juice to Dissolve Kidney Stones
Nowadays, our diets are full of processed and fatty foods which unfortunately lead to surplus toxins in the kidneys and liver and as a result, we feel more tired and our energy levels drop down. When it comes to the liver, this is the organ in charge of filtering toxins […]
How to Break Down Kidney Stones & Kill Bladder Infections with This Juice
Watermelons are one of our favorite summertime fruits, without doubt. However, we all eat the inner juicy flesh only without knowing that the rind is also edible and highly beneficial for our health. Believe it or not, 95 percent of the nutritive values of watermelons are in the rind! This […]
How the Position You Sleep in Affects Your Health
On average, we spend more than 25 years of our lives sleeping and sleep is essential to our health and well-being because it gives time for the body and brain to revitalize, heal, and prepare for the new day. This being said, it is of utmost importance not just to […]
Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed Can Change Your Life
If you want to ease your daily life, you should definitely start using apple cider vinegar because it has so many beneficial properties and uses. You will be amazed after you learn these 22 uses! 22 Amazing Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar Removes unpleasant foot odour Soak the feet in […]